
Why am I unable to find the Invoice at Knock Off Entry when I perform knock off? I confirm that the invoice is not voided.

*Example Invoice I-000012 with a Document Date of 08/05/2024.


Currently there are known 2 possibilities for such incident:

1) Already key in the payment at Payment Amount field in Invoice directly. 

2) The knock off date filter is before the Invoice date.

3) The Invoice document status is Draft / Awaiting Approval / Expired / Void.

Scenario 1: Already key in payment received at Payment Amount field in Invoice

You may refer to the below link for how to use Payment Amount in Invoice.


By keying in the Payment Amount field in the invoice, the invoice is considered as paid and will no longer have any outstanding and therefore would not show up in the Knock Off Entry list.

You would need to edit and remove the Payment Amount then only can select the Invoice in the Knock Off Entry listing.

Scenario 2: Knock Off Date filtered is before the Invoice Date.

Since the knock off date is 07/05/2024, the system will not show the Invoice I-000012 as it is dated after. You would need to change the knock off date to 08/05/2024 only able to see I-000012.

This is because it is not logical to knock off something in the future and therefore the system will hide invoices which comes after the selected date.

Scenario 3: The Invoice document status is Draft / Awaiting Approval / Expired / Void

If the document status is Draft / Awaiting Approval, you need to approve for the Invoice.

Once the invoice is approved, it will show in the Knock Off Entry.

* Expired / Void document will not show up in Knock Off Entry

By: Rotcana 240509, Lay Swan 240520, Jae Sen 240524