
My customer has payment upfront, and I have key in at Payment Amount field in Invoice, how do I display the remaining Outstanding in Invoice report?


1) You will need to customize or design the Invoice report to show this Outstanding field. To design the report, you may click ‘Print’ and click 'Design Report' button on the right side. Click on 'Design' at the report that you would like to amend.

2) To add the Outstanding amount, you need to pull out a Label (A icon as image).

3) Click on the Label once, go to Expressions (f) > under ‘Text’ field, paste the expression [Invoice.NetTotal] - [Invoice.PaymentAmt].

4) Pull out another label and double click on it and key in text as Outstanding. This label is for the caption purpose.

5) After you’re done, click the Menu on the top left and Save As and rename to new report as the original system Report name is not allowed to amend and save.

6) You can preview the report and you will now see the Outstanding field displayed.


After full payment that is keyed in using Receipt Voucher, the ‘Outstanding’ field in Invoice report will not show as 0.00. The formula provided in this sample will only deduct the payment amount that you made in Invoice.



By: Rotcana 240606, Lay Swan 240621, Jae Sen 240627