AI SmartScan allow users to take photos of your bills, select from gallery or even upload files/bills to ease the creation of transactions using Document Scanner in Cloud Accounting.


*Available for Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Receipt Voucher and Payment Voucher.

Download CA Uploader

1. Go to Google Play Store/Apple App Store, type ‘CA Uploader’ in the search box, and click search icon

You will see ‘CA Uploader : Cloud OCR Tool’, click Install/Get to proceed download.

Google Play Store

Apple App Store

2. After the installation is done, click on CA Uploader icon and login screen will appear.


In the login screen, key in the Email Address and Password as registered in Cloud Accounting, click ‘Login’ button (1). Proceed to select company (2).


Upload Method

There are 3 methods to upload files/images using CA Uploader.




Upload bill or transaction files (Only PDF and Image files)


Use image files in your gallery


Capture photo or image of the bill

Method 1: Upload Files

Single File Upload

1. Click ‘+’ icon (1) > Select ‘Files’ icon (2).

2. Select file (3to upload, example here is electrical bill (TNB). Click Expand icon (4) to preview the uploaded file. Once confirm, proceed to click ‘Add’ button (5).

3. Click on ‘Upload’ button (6), system will prompt ‘File Uploaded Successfully’.

Multiple Files Upload

1. Click ‘+’ icon (1) > Select ‘Files’ icon (2).

2. Press and hold to select files (3) to upload > click Done (4). Proceed to click ‘Add’ button (5) to add the selected files.

3. There will be 3 files appearing on the screen. If a file is wrongly selected, click on the Bin icon (1). Tick the file (2) you want to delete and click on Delete (3) button. 

*Skip this step if there is no file to delete.

4. A delete confirmation will pop-up, click ‘Yes’ (4) to confirm delete. Once deleted, a message ‘Files deleted successfully’ is shown.

To proceed uploading, there is an Upload button to upload the files individually, OR you can use Combine button to combine into 1 file to upload.

5. To Combine, click on ‘Combine’ button (1) > Tick to select files (2) that want to combine OR tick ‘Select All’ to select all files > click ‘Combine’ button (3).

6. A pop-up of Reorder File will show. Press, hold and drag (4) to reorder the file before combine. Once done, click Confirm (5).

Click Update (6), now the screen will only show 1 file.

7. Click Upload (7) button to upload the file, system will prompt ‘File Uploaded Successfully’.

1. Click ‘+’ icon (1) > Select ‘Gallery’ icon (2).

2. Press, hold to select image (3) to upload > click Done (4). A combine image pop-up will be shown, click ‘Yes’ (5) to combine into 1 file, click ‘No’ if do not wish to combine.

*Notes:  If you click ‘No’, CA Uploader will add the images as an individual file. However, you can still click ‘Combine’ if you wish to combine after.

3. A pop-up of Reorder File will show. Press, hold and drag (6) to reorder the file before combine. Once done, click Confirm (7). Before proceeding, you can key in remark if needed, then proceed to click Add (8).

4. Click on ‘Upload’ (9) button, you will see the bottom will prompt ‘File Uploaded Successfully’.

Method 3: Upload by Camera

1. Click ‘+’ icon (1) > Select ‘Camera’ icon (2).

2. By using your camera, take pictures (3) of files. In this example, we will take pictures of an invoice with 2 pages, 17 line items.

3. Click √ (4) once you are done taking pictures. A combine image pop-up will be shown, click ‘Yes’ (5) to combine into 1 file, or click ‘No’ if do not wish to combine.


*Notes:  If you click ‘No’, CA Uploader will add the images as an individual file. However, you are still able to click ‘Combine’ if you wish to combine after.

4. A pop-up of Reorder File will show. Press, hold and drag (6) to reorder the file before combine. Once done, click Confirm (7). Proceed to click Add (8).

5. Click on ‘Upload’ button (9), you will a message will prompt at the bottom ‘File Uploaded Successfully’.

Refer here for Convert Files from CA Uploader

By: Rotcana 241120