
How do I import Product from Excel?


1) Go to Master Data > Product.

2) Click on ‘Import Data’ icon. Click on ‘Download Excel Template’ to download the Excel template provided by system.

3) In the Excel will have 2 sheet, Template and Guide. Refer to the Guide to fill in the template as needed.



For example:

4) Once done, save the file. Go back to the Import Product page, click on ‘Import Data’ icon > click on ‘Select File’ and select the file you want to import, then click on Open.

5) You should be able to see the details on Preview Data, proceed to click ‘Import’.

6) Once import successfully, you may go to Master Data > Product to view the imported product.


Besides Import Product, you may also Import Sales & Purchase document, Import Customer, Import Supplier, Import Debtor/Creditor Opening Balance and the steps are the same.


By: Rotcana 230512, Lay Swan 230523, P230523