
When I create new company book, I have wrongly assigned the fiscal year, how do I change it?

*Example use is changing for fiscal year 2023 to 2022.


1) In Fiscal Year, click Edit (1) at Fiscal Year 2023 and change the Start Date to 01/01/2022 (2). Can also change the Fiscal Year Name (3) to Fiscal Year 2022.

Click on Save (4).

2) Go to Actual Data Start Date, click on Edit and change to 01/01/2022, proceed to Save.

A message will pop-up to inform ‘You changed Actual Data Start Date to the date Fiscal Year Start Date. This will remove opening balance of P/L accounts if there is any entry. Do you still want to save?’  Click on Yes.

3) Go to Fiscal Year 2022 just now, click Edit and change the End Date to 31/12/2022, then Save.

4) Your Fiscal Year should be fully changed to Year 2022.

5) Please go to opening balance to re-enter the opening balances.



By: Rotcana 230512, Lay Swan 230523, P230523