
My USD bank account already zero balance, but my home balance in MYR still have balance. How to adjust it?


You may use Journal Entry to do the adjustment.  Go to Accounting > Journal Entry to create new Journal Entry.


In the Journal Entry,


1) Select Currency Code = MYR (home currency), Currency Rate = 1.00


2) Currency Rate (for USD Bank) = 0.00, Currency Rate (for Gain on Foreign Exchange) = 1.00


3) If your home balance is negative, you need to Debit the amount for USD bank, if home balance is positive, you need to Credit the amount for USD bank.


4) Click “Save” to save the Journal Entry.

Now inquiry the Ledger report. You will notice the USD bank account balance remains zero and the home balance in MYR had become zero as well.

By: Rotcana 240509, Lay Swan 240520, Jae Sen 240524